Back in 1978, Queen released the song "Fat Bottomed Girls".  Now, 37 years later, medical science has proven that fat bottomed girls do, indeed, make the the rockin' world go 'round.

According to a recently published study, the fat found in a woman's backside helps develop a baby's brain during pregnancy.  In other words, fat bottomed girls have smarter children.

Pittsburgh University Epidemiology Professor Will Lassek led the research.  He discovered that the fat cells stored in a woman's derriere are routed towards their children's brains during pregnancy, saying "‘the fat in these areas is a depot for building a baby’s brain."

Not only do fat bottomed girls have more intelligent kids, research shows that men are more likely to be attracted to women with some extra "junk in the trunk", because they are presumed to be healthier.  Recent studies also suggest that men are more attracted to curvy woman when they are hungry.

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