The Natrona County Sheriff's Office continues to investigate an ongoing telephone scam, according to a news release from Sgt. Aaron Shatto.

"Individuals are calling citizens of Natrona County and identifying themselves as current Natrona County Deputies," Shatto wrote.

"The individuals tell the citizen they missed jury duty and have an active warrant for their arrest."

During the phone call, the scammers try to gather more personal information and ask the citizen to pay for the penalty for the warrant.

Now this scam has taken an ugly turn, Shatto said.

The scammer knows the name of a local deputy, he said.

The scammer recently called a local woman, identified himself as that deputy and demanded money, Shatto said.

The woman called the sheriff's office to verify the name and that the deputy worked there.

She then wired $1,495 to the scammer, he said.

Because of this familiarity, anyone receiving a call from a supposed local deputy should call the Sheriff's Office and ask to speak directly to that deputy, Shatto said.

But keep in mind the Sheriff's Office does not call people about warrants for their arrest, he said.

Deputies they do not call citizens who have active warrants for their arrest and try to solicit money from them.

If someone has a warrant, a deputy will go to that person with the warrant, then arrest them and take them to jail, Shatto said.

The Sheriff's office is asking anyone who may receive such a call to not give out any financial information, and hang up immediately.

Report this and any other suspected crime to the Sheriff's Office at 235-9282.

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