It appears most Wyoming folks want pot penalties reduced, that's according to our completely unscientific online poll.

A person caught with up to three ounces of pot faces a misdemeanor conviction with a penalty of up to a year in jail in Wyoming. That may be changing.

There will be re-consideration of state penalties in the next legislative session. The proposal would reduce first-offense marijuana possession to a fine, but increase penalties for subsequent offenses. First offenses would be misdemeanors but subsequent offenses would eventually result in felony charges.

Laws against growing, or selling would not be affected either way.

Soon we get the real vote from the Capitol City. Here is how Wyoming folks voted in our poll:

Which of the following sounds most like you?

  1. I prefer relaxing laws for first, and subsequent offenses. ___ 42.58 Percent
  1. I like relaxed for first offense, and increased for subsequent. ___ 16.13 Percent
  1. I think all laws against marijuana should be tougher. ___ 14.52 Percent

Other. ___ 26.77 Percent (All other votes, 100 percent, were for legalization.)

On that note, we also had good comments that we would just paste here, but all of them were mysteriously zapped from that section. Most were Coloradoans (or ex-patriots of Colorado), pointing out ways legalization has negatively effected the state in rents, already high, youth in shelters, and as for all that tax revenue, where is it? To quote one of them, ”Legalizing and taxing just hasn’t turned out to have the benefits as billed.”

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